Sunday, September 25, 2016

glass Wall

Her wall is impenetrable.
Endless are its bounds.
It is glass.
It hides not her spirit.
It is glass.
It hides not her heart.
It is glass.
I hides not her Truth.
In its reflection,
I see myself.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

I'm Yours

Try me not
For I have been tried.
Hurt me not,
For my tears have fallen for such pain.
Seize my love,
Not yet has it been held.
Hear my truth,
For ears are deaf to its song.
See gold, where tin is seen.
Hold my guard, be shown my gate.
It is not fallen,
it is open, to those not,
but for you.

Untitled Silence

Trouble me not with your selfish woes.
Listen only for the hidden, desperate needs of
a moment past.
When love was absent and
innocence lost.
Hear not your own sorrow
for your sorrow knows not lost and abandoned and forsaken
When your true moment is at hand it comes not from your call
but from the call of a voice yet unheard... but by you.